Vitamin C: Latest beauty trends
Release date:2017-08-29

Known a key antioxidant nutrient, Vitamin C is one of the favourite skincare active ingredients. Cosmetics brands are constantly finding innovative ways to incorporate it into beauty regimes. Here are some of the newest methods to consider.

Vitabrid C12

This month, US department store Barneys unveiled its firstever exclusive Korean beauty launch in the form of Vitabrid C12, a hair and skincare line created using a brand-new proprietary Vitamin C complex called Vitabrid CG.



The brand claims the new complex is capable of delivering active Vitamin C continuously for over 12 hours. The vitamin is absorbed deep into the skin and scalp to fully exploit its potential.


One of the challenges beauty brands face is that pure Vitamin C naturally degrades when exposed to oxygen, rendering it difficult to develop products that deliver skincare benefits over a prolonged period of use. But earlier this year, Clinique introduced its innovative new ’Fresh Pressed’ skincare system, which tackles the problem by offering individual sachets of Vitamin C cleanser in water-activated powder form to maintain freshness.



The line also includes a ’Daily Booster’ serum that comes in seven-day vials to safeguard against degradation.


Tatcha’s new ’Violet-C Radiance Mask’ contains not one but two types of Vitamin C for extra impact — a water-soluble
version that absorbs quickly into the skin and an oil-soluble kind that provides more longterm protection from UV damage.



Japanese beautyberry, which is a Vitamin C stabilizer, also features on the ingredients list.

With AFP/Relaxnews